Face-to-face tutoring at your local library
Personalised tutoring for students of all levels
Whether you need help with homework, test preparation, or skill development, we have the perfect tutor for you. You can choose your tutor, schedule your sessions, and pay online with ease.
$20 trial tutorials now available.
Get a one-hour session with a qualified tutor, access to online resources, and personalised feedback.
Claim your $20 trial session below.
Why Choose Us
Our tutors live in your neighbourhood for sessions at local libraries. These public spaces let students learn free of distractions.
Our Tutors
We provide tutors who are patient and positive mentors. They understand the curriculum and how to motivate students. We ensure tutors adhere to our high standards of education excellence. All our tutors have a current working with children check.
Extra Resources
Our team develops customised study guides and practice tests. Students access lessons, strategies, and flashcards 24/7. Our resources reinforce concepts and ensure exam confidence.
Our online forum is open 24/7 for students who need academic assistance. Our qualified tutors are ready to answer any school-related questions you may have.